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Friday, June 19, 2015

1. We were trying to understand the preferences of the audiences of television.

2. Age, Grade, and gender

3. I would change the order of my questions so all the demographic questions were grouped together

4. Yes, the girls seem to like different shows than the boys and different networks.

5. What is their favorite TV show. This showed if they liked certain genres, networks, actors and many other things.

6. Most people like comedy, two most popular shows were family guy and south park, and most people prefer to watch TV at night.

7. I enjoyed making the survey and seeing the results.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Virtual Sports Wrap-Up

3 main goals of operating the football franchise were to make money, draw a large crowd, and to make sure the field, stadium, and parking lots were never to put fans in dangers.

2 most difficult aspects of operating a franchise were to make sure everyone got in on time with places to park, and to turn profit on a regular basis.

1 easy aspect of this project was making lots of money off licensing and sponsorship's to make up for lost profits during the game.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

3 areas I will be challenged in the new project is finding the right city, making good sponsorship deals, and making sure I will not get fined in any way by the league or city. 2 areas I think I will excel is ticket pricing and promotions. 1 of the most important things to consider is the awareness of pro football in the city. If people are not aware, they will not come to the games.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Scavenger Hunt

I think the easiest part of this task was the division questions. Having a partner was very helpful, and two different devices worked well. No I would not do this project alone. No I don't think this is a fair assessment of chapter 3 because all it takes is looking up the answers on the internet and not knowing anything on the chapter at all.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

College Athletes

During this assignment, I looked at all three divisions of NCAA sports and their pros and cons. DI seemed like the best option for highly competitive athletes who have a shot at professional. DII and DIII are more focused and academics and put school work before athletics. Overall, they are unpaid athletes that qualify as amateurs.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Endorsement and Piracy

Micheal Jordan- Micheal Jordan has his own clothing company. They make shoes, shirts, basketball apparel, and is very successful. In 2012, it generated 1.25 billion in sales.

David Ortiz- David Ortiz did a commercial and is now a spokesman for Dunkin Donuts iced coffee.

A-Rod- A-Rod and Nike had a partnership in 2009, but unfortunately, A-rod got cough up with steroids and Nike ended the contract. Nike had a cleat named after the Yankee's star.

Peyton Manning- Peyton Manning appeared in commercials from Gatorade, nationwide, and direct TV.

Mike Trout- Mike Trout is well known for his fly ball commercial with subway

Miguel Cabrera- Miguel Cabrera has appeared in commercials for Chrysler, selling two different models.

Jonathon Toews- Jonathon Toews is a long time sponsorship with Bauer, and takes new photos with their equipment every time a new product comes out.

Andrew Luck- Andrew Luck is a relatively new member of Nike and came out with a commerical with them in 2013

Sony has had many misfortunes lately with many people pirating their new movies. Three weeks before their movie "Annie" was released, hackers were able to download it from them and post it on the internet. Also, hackers got their hands on the new war movie "Fury" has been downloaded 1.2 million times online. This is more than Annie because family movies are less likely to be pirated.